Melba's Kitchen Collection (Anniversary Box)
Please allow 2-3 week processing for extra boxes. We are experiencing a high volume of sales from the Post -Anniversary Sale. Please be patient during this time. Boxes are limited edition & limited quantities.
BlackBerry Doubie —Hair Custard
What y’all know bout a BlackBerry Doubie?? This is a southern ritual. Lawd, mama use to use fresh blackberries and make her Doubie insides. Good golly, miss molly… A pan full of YUM!! This custard smells JUST like BlackBerries and its a great additive to refresh old twist out and even maintain moisture on old hair. Grab a box to experience this hidden gem.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Shea, Capacua, Horsetail, Honey, Cocoa and BeesWax
Melba’s Mixed Greens Deep Conditioning Mask
We all think our mama makes the BEST greens. Ha! Well… I KNOW my mama did. Mrs. Melba was known for her fried collards. It wasn’t technically fried but— my mother never boiled her greens. It was a unique recipe. She would wash, cut and clean the greens. After doing so she’s coat the pan with oil and of course boil the meat separately. She would put the greens in the pan with the excess water from the bowl and then season and add the meat. Placing the lid on top steaming them just enough so they remained crunchy. It was so superb! She would mix collards and mustards—yes.. indeed it was a treat to our ENTIRE soul. This mask will supply your coils with antioxidants you never knew of. The greens blended in this mask are AMAZING! Grab a jar and provide your coils with a antioxidant/vitamin treat.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20 (Infused w/Jasmine Rice), Spinach, Brocolli, Kale Extract, Neem, Sal, Mango, Horsetail, Glycerin
German Chocolate Cleansing Shampoo
In a household of six— myself and mom were the two that would do anything for chocolate. My baking skills stem from the old bar stool— that I stood on to watch mom mix the batter. Afterwards she’d give me the option to lick the bowl. That was my favorite past time of all. This shampoo as our others is very loose in texture but it will cleanse without stripping and leave your hair feeling and smelling amazing. I do still recommend you follow up with a DC and a styler from our line.
Stuffing’s: Castile Soap, Sea Salt H20, Cocoa Seed, Fenugreek Essential, Provitamin B, Olive Squlane and Shea Olien
Handpicked Gardenia Refreshing Spray
Mom loved fresh gardenias in the house after we had cleaned on Saturdays. We had two very large bushels in our front yard. She would send us out to grab them after they blossomed. Upon gathering she would place these in a bowl of tap water and place them on the dining room table and let the aroma travel throughout the entire house. This kink drink will give you a pleasant rose water/ gardenia hint while nourishing your coils.
Stuffing’s: Rose Water, Honey Quat, Splash of Coconut Water, Olive, Hibiscus Flower Oil
Sweet Butter Twisting Pomade
Mom was a huge fan of sugary starches. Butter was something we indulged together during family dinner outings. A memory of mine is how she would just close her eyes if the butter was sweetened with a hint of honey — she would have an expression of pure joy. Who doesn’t like butter? I decided to curate this gem with butter in mind and added a little hold for a perfected twist out. And it actually smells of a sweet butter.
Stuffing's: Organic Coconut Oil, Raw Shea Butter, Candellila Wax, Avocado Oil, Jasmine Butter, Castor Oil
Sweet Potato Low-Poo Cleansing Cowash
Oh the memories…
This box has taken me into places of joy thinking of my beloved mother. Mrs. Melba was known for her sweet potato bread. Yes, Bread! It was almost iconic to a dump cake. Those that knew her could eat this stuff with their bare hands. This low-poo cleanser was created to coat your strands with a mild cleansing agent while enjoying the sweet supple smell of sweet potatoes. The texture ranges it’s not lumpy but a little weird looking but does a phenomenal job cleansing.
Peppermint - Deep Penetrating Hair Mask
The memory surrounding peppermints. Well we all know that one elder lady in church with all the mints? That lady was my mama— can’t get any better than that. Even around the holidays during Christmas we had to have real pine Christmas trees and an abundance of peppermint candy canes. This deep penetrating mask will leave your coils feeling refreshed with a hint of tingle. It will help restore curl patterns that have been tarnished by heat damage. And for those that just like an awesome hair mask this ones for you.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Babbasu, Mowrah, Coconut Butter, Peppermint, Honey Quat, Tea Tree & Peppermint
Sugar Honey Iced Tea - Hair Silk Serum
Mom use to prep our Sunday supper’s tea in a kettle until it steaped. We decided to steap this silky serum by slow roasting argan oil and marshmallow root. This combination alone should leave your coils feeling like pure silk— made with pure perfection. Let your coils have a drink on us.
Stuffings: Argan, Pro-Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Honey Quat, Cumin (Blackseed), Grapeseed, Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm
Aloe H20 Hydrating Gel
As children mom & dad had aloe and sera seed plants in the garden. We kept Aloe water in the fridge—Mom swore it was a natural hydrating healer. This product is just one of many fond memories of her. Enjoy this gel and let it hydrate your coils from root to tip.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Aloe Juice, Aloe Gel, Chia, Shea Olien, Sunflower, Horsetail, Agave
Melba’s Banana Pudding - Hair Smoothie
Oh Banana Pudding (The Hot Kind) Mom use to make a whole banana pudding from scratch using egg yolks from the pudding down to the meringue being so lightly fluffed. Banana Pudding is a staple in many African American traditions we would all hide a small portion with hopes that it didn’t all get eaten. The memory moment in this product is one of the smooth pudding texture. Mom was a beast at whipping her pudding there wasn’t a lump in sight. You will not believe how this smoothie glides in your coils. And the smell —well you’ll have to grab a box to see what I mean.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Carnauba Wax, Jojoba, Banna Extract, Rice Flower Extract, Haitian Black Castor, Olive and Brazilian Nut
Please allow 2-3 week processing for extra boxes. We are experiencing a high volume of sales from the Post -Anniversary Sale. Please be patient during this time. Boxes are limited edition & limited quantities.
BlackBerry Doubie —Hair Custard
What y’all know bout a BlackBerry Doubie?? This is a southern ritual. Lawd, mama use to use fresh blackberries and make her Doubie insides. Good golly, miss molly… A pan full of YUM!! This custard smells JUST like BlackBerries and its a great additive to refresh old twist out and even maintain moisture on old hair. Grab a box to experience this hidden gem.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Shea, Capacua, Horsetail, Honey, Cocoa and BeesWax
Melba’s Mixed Greens Deep Conditioning Mask
We all think our mama makes the BEST greens. Ha! Well… I KNOW my mama did. Mrs. Melba was known for her fried collards. It wasn’t technically fried but— my mother never boiled her greens. It was a unique recipe. She would wash, cut and clean the greens. After doing so she’s coat the pan with oil and of course boil the meat separately. She would put the greens in the pan with the excess water from the bowl and then season and add the meat. Placing the lid on top steaming them just enough so they remained crunchy. It was so superb! She would mix collards and mustards—yes.. indeed it was a treat to our ENTIRE soul. This mask will supply your coils with antioxidants you never knew of. The greens blended in this mask are AMAZING! Grab a jar and provide your coils with a antioxidant/vitamin treat.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20 (Infused w/Jasmine Rice), Spinach, Brocolli, Kale Extract, Neem, Sal, Mango, Horsetail, Glycerin
German Chocolate Cleansing Shampoo
In a household of six— myself and mom were the two that would do anything for chocolate. My baking skills stem from the old bar stool— that I stood on to watch mom mix the batter. Afterwards she’d give me the option to lick the bowl. That was my favorite past time of all. This shampoo as our others is very loose in texture but it will cleanse without stripping and leave your hair feeling and smelling amazing. I do still recommend you follow up with a DC and a styler from our line.
Stuffing’s: Castile Soap, Sea Salt H20, Cocoa Seed, Fenugreek Essential, Provitamin B, Olive Squlane and Shea Olien
Handpicked Gardenia Refreshing Spray
Mom loved fresh gardenias in the house after we had cleaned on Saturdays. We had two very large bushels in our front yard. She would send us out to grab them after they blossomed. Upon gathering she would place these in a bowl of tap water and place them on the dining room table and let the aroma travel throughout the entire house. This kink drink will give you a pleasant rose water/ gardenia hint while nourishing your coils.
Stuffing’s: Rose Water, Honey Quat, Splash of Coconut Water, Olive, Hibiscus Flower Oil
Sweet Butter Twisting Pomade
Mom was a huge fan of sugary starches. Butter was something we indulged together during family dinner outings. A memory of mine is how she would just close her eyes if the butter was sweetened with a hint of honey — she would have an expression of pure joy. Who doesn’t like butter? I decided to curate this gem with butter in mind and added a little hold for a perfected twist out. And it actually smells of a sweet butter.
Stuffing's: Organic Coconut Oil, Raw Shea Butter, Candellila Wax, Avocado Oil, Jasmine Butter, Castor Oil
Sweet Potato Low-Poo Cleansing Cowash
Oh the memories…
This box has taken me into places of joy thinking of my beloved mother. Mrs. Melba was known for her sweet potato bread. Yes, Bread! It was almost iconic to a dump cake. Those that knew her could eat this stuff with their bare hands. This low-poo cleanser was created to coat your strands with a mild cleansing agent while enjoying the sweet supple smell of sweet potatoes. The texture ranges it’s not lumpy but a little weird looking but does a phenomenal job cleansing.
Peppermint - Deep Penetrating Hair Mask
The memory surrounding peppermints. Well we all know that one elder lady in church with all the mints? That lady was my mama— can’t get any better than that. Even around the holidays during Christmas we had to have real pine Christmas trees and an abundance of peppermint candy canes. This deep penetrating mask will leave your coils feeling refreshed with a hint of tingle. It will help restore curl patterns that have been tarnished by heat damage. And for those that just like an awesome hair mask this ones for you.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Babbasu, Mowrah, Coconut Butter, Peppermint, Honey Quat, Tea Tree & Peppermint
Sugar Honey Iced Tea - Hair Silk Serum
Mom use to prep our Sunday supper’s tea in a kettle until it steaped. We decided to steap this silky serum by slow roasting argan oil and marshmallow root. This combination alone should leave your coils feeling like pure silk— made with pure perfection. Let your coils have a drink on us.
Stuffings: Argan, Pro-Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Honey Quat, Cumin (Blackseed), Grapeseed, Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm
Aloe H20 Hydrating Gel
As children mom & dad had aloe and sera seed plants in the garden. We kept Aloe water in the fridge—Mom swore it was a natural hydrating healer. This product is just one of many fond memories of her. Enjoy this gel and let it hydrate your coils from root to tip.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Aloe Juice, Aloe Gel, Chia, Shea Olien, Sunflower, Horsetail, Agave
Melba’s Banana Pudding - Hair Smoothie
Oh Banana Pudding (The Hot Kind) Mom use to make a whole banana pudding from scratch using egg yolks from the pudding down to the meringue being so lightly fluffed. Banana Pudding is a staple in many African American traditions we would all hide a small portion with hopes that it didn’t all get eaten. The memory moment in this product is one of the smooth pudding texture. Mom was a beast at whipping her pudding there wasn’t a lump in sight. You will not believe how this smoothie glides in your coils. And the smell —well you’ll have to grab a box to see what I mean.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Carnauba Wax, Jojoba, Banna Extract, Rice Flower Extract, Haitian Black Castor, Olive and Brazilian Nut
Please allow 2-3 week processing for extra boxes. We are experiencing a high volume of sales from the Post -Anniversary Sale. Please be patient during this time. Boxes are limited edition & limited quantities.
BlackBerry Doubie —Hair Custard
What y’all know bout a BlackBerry Doubie?? This is a southern ritual. Lawd, mama use to use fresh blackberries and make her Doubie insides. Good golly, miss molly… A pan full of YUM!! This custard smells JUST like BlackBerries and its a great additive to refresh old twist out and even maintain moisture on old hair. Grab a box to experience this hidden gem.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Shea, Capacua, Horsetail, Honey, Cocoa and BeesWax
Melba’s Mixed Greens Deep Conditioning Mask
We all think our mama makes the BEST greens. Ha! Well… I KNOW my mama did. Mrs. Melba was known for her fried collards. It wasn’t technically fried but— my mother never boiled her greens. It was a unique recipe. She would wash, cut and clean the greens. After doing so she’s coat the pan with oil and of course boil the meat separately. She would put the greens in the pan with the excess water from the bowl and then season and add the meat. Placing the lid on top steaming them just enough so they remained crunchy. It was so superb! She would mix collards and mustards—yes.. indeed it was a treat to our ENTIRE soul. This mask will supply your coils with antioxidants you never knew of. The greens blended in this mask are AMAZING! Grab a jar and provide your coils with a antioxidant/vitamin treat.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20 (Infused w/Jasmine Rice), Spinach, Brocolli, Kale Extract, Neem, Sal, Mango, Horsetail, Glycerin
German Chocolate Cleansing Shampoo
In a household of six— myself and mom were the two that would do anything for chocolate. My baking skills stem from the old bar stool— that I stood on to watch mom mix the batter. Afterwards she’d give me the option to lick the bowl. That was my favorite past time of all. This shampoo as our others is very loose in texture but it will cleanse without stripping and leave your hair feeling and smelling amazing. I do still recommend you follow up with a DC and a styler from our line.
Stuffing’s: Castile Soap, Sea Salt H20, Cocoa Seed, Fenugreek Essential, Provitamin B, Olive Squlane and Shea Olien
Handpicked Gardenia Refreshing Spray
Mom loved fresh gardenias in the house after we had cleaned on Saturdays. We had two very large bushels in our front yard. She would send us out to grab them after they blossomed. Upon gathering she would place these in a bowl of tap water and place them on the dining room table and let the aroma travel throughout the entire house. This kink drink will give you a pleasant rose water/ gardenia hint while nourishing your coils.
Stuffing’s: Rose Water, Honey Quat, Splash of Coconut Water, Olive, Hibiscus Flower Oil
Sweet Butter Twisting Pomade
Mom was a huge fan of sugary starches. Butter was something we indulged together during family dinner outings. A memory of mine is how she would just close her eyes if the butter was sweetened with a hint of honey — she would have an expression of pure joy. Who doesn’t like butter? I decided to curate this gem with butter in mind and added a little hold for a perfected twist out. And it actually smells of a sweet butter.
Stuffing's: Organic Coconut Oil, Raw Shea Butter, Candellila Wax, Avocado Oil, Jasmine Butter, Castor Oil
Sweet Potato Low-Poo Cleansing Cowash
Oh the memories…
This box has taken me into places of joy thinking of my beloved mother. Mrs. Melba was known for her sweet potato bread. Yes, Bread! It was almost iconic to a dump cake. Those that knew her could eat this stuff with their bare hands. This low-poo cleanser was created to coat your strands with a mild cleansing agent while enjoying the sweet supple smell of sweet potatoes. The texture ranges it’s not lumpy but a little weird looking but does a phenomenal job cleansing.
Peppermint - Deep Penetrating Hair Mask
The memory surrounding peppermints. Well we all know that one elder lady in church with all the mints? That lady was my mama— can’t get any better than that. Even around the holidays during Christmas we had to have real pine Christmas trees and an abundance of peppermint candy canes. This deep penetrating mask will leave your coils feeling refreshed with a hint of tingle. It will help restore curl patterns that have been tarnished by heat damage. And for those that just like an awesome hair mask this ones for you.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Babbasu, Mowrah, Coconut Butter, Peppermint, Honey Quat, Tea Tree & Peppermint
Sugar Honey Iced Tea - Hair Silk Serum
Mom use to prep our Sunday supper’s tea in a kettle until it steaped. We decided to steap this silky serum by slow roasting argan oil and marshmallow root. This combination alone should leave your coils feeling like pure silk— made with pure perfection. Let your coils have a drink on us.
Stuffings: Argan, Pro-Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Honey Quat, Cumin (Blackseed), Grapeseed, Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm
Aloe H20 Hydrating Gel
As children mom & dad had aloe and sera seed plants in the garden. We kept Aloe water in the fridge—Mom swore it was a natural hydrating healer. This product is just one of many fond memories of her. Enjoy this gel and let it hydrate your coils from root to tip.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Aloe Juice, Aloe Gel, Chia, Shea Olien, Sunflower, Horsetail, Agave
Melba’s Banana Pudding - Hair Smoothie
Oh Banana Pudding (The Hot Kind) Mom use to make a whole banana pudding from scratch using egg yolks from the pudding down to the meringue being so lightly fluffed. Banana Pudding is a staple in many African American traditions we would all hide a small portion with hopes that it didn’t all get eaten. The memory moment in this product is one of the smooth pudding texture. Mom was a beast at whipping her pudding there wasn’t a lump in sight. You will not believe how this smoothie glides in your coils. And the smell —well you’ll have to grab a box to see what I mean.
Stuffing's: Distilled H20, Carnauba Wax, Jojoba, Banna Extract, Rice Flower Extract, Haitian Black Castor, Olive and Brazilian Nut